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May 03, 2009


wayne ford

I now know, and greatly admire Carrie Prejean---but who was the girl that won the Miss America Pageant?

LeeAnn Hemming

Thank you for showing America what true courage is, and for reminding us that we all have the right in this country to stand up for what we believe in. May we all have the courage to be true to our faith and our convictions.


Thank you to both of these beautiful women for standing for integrity. In my church, our young women stand and repeat together, "I will stand for truth and righteousness." When all is said and done, nobody cares if you were "important", only if you were good. How refreshing to have people throw off the need to be "important" and instead choose to be leaders because they are honest. Again, I thank you and see you as stars.

erika pechacek

Both of these ladies are to be congratulated to show courage and stand for truth.
The principle that should guide our lives is whether something is right or wrong.
I stopped being politically correct many years ago and people have gotten used to it. We should never be ashamed to stand for the right and to defend what we know to be true. We might not get men's approval but knowing that we followed the Lord makes it all worthwhile.

I hope that more people would follow these beautiful ladies example of standing for the RIGHT.

Erika Pechacek

shirley hansen

I am so proud of these women....there is a saying that goes like this "Stand for Something or Fall for anything" And both of these women have chosen to stand for righteous principles. What an excellent example.

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