Love this quote by Audrey Hepburn:
"People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed, never throw out anyone."
As a missionary in Hong Kong ('84 - '85), I remember Elder Neal A. Maxwell telling the missionaries to never pass by the homeless on the street, that they are worthy of the gospel. Elder Maxwell pleaded with us not to be selective in sharing our message. It was a stunning reminder that everyone has great worth.
I am grateful for those people in my life who picked me up and revived me.
Who can you lift today?
The above painting of Audrey Hepburn is by my cousin Craig Sibley, an Evangelical Christian music artist and all around terrific human being.
Wow, that is an amazing painting!
Posted by: Olivia | September 12, 2009 at 11:19 PM