The St. Louis Post-Dispatch has just launched a new blog titled Civil Religion and my co-blogger Dana King has been invited to join the conversation.
Here's what religion reporter Tim Townsend says in his lead-in.
Conversations about faith can get heated quickly. On this blog, we hope to keep the discussion provocative, but thoughtful. With that in mind, we've recruited a dozen members of our community -- from across the spectrum of faiths, ideologies, ages, races and professions -- who are thoughtful about their own beliefs, and we asked them to share those thoughts on Civil Religion.
Townsend further explains:
Rousseau coined the term civil religion to describe the necessary basics of belief that keep a civilization together in accord with a social contract the civilization lives by. And while we certainly intend to discuss such beliefs on this blog, we also liked the name Civil Religion because it described the tenor of the conversation we hope to have here.
It is therefore fitting that Dana's first post is titled Stendahl's Rules.
Have you thought about how you can practice civil religion in your community?
What are you doing to join the on-line conversation?