As I watched Romney's candidacy, I found myself alternately thrilled and not. The below op-ed is an attempt to sort and sift through my two minds. Some of you will no doubt disagree. I would love to hear why. Regardless, after you read (or skim) the piece, will you ask yourselves the questions below?
If we were to become better at combining our secular and spiritual lives, would Noah Feldman's NY Times article have been written? Would people have been so deeply uncomfortable with Romney's Mormon-ness? Would we have needed Romney to be so perfect?
As we practice marrying our two lives, I would look to kids in high school. Though this is a terribly difficult time as they daily ask themselves the question 'assimilate - de-assimilate?', I think you'll find that they maintain this balance remarkably well.
In fact why not put my hypothesis to a test.
Next time you are in a meeting with adults and youth (like Bishop's Youth Council), take the Know Your Neighbor quiz: Of the last five people you interacted with socially, how many in 5 do you have something in common with other than religion?
Though there are bound to be exceptions, especially within the Mormon corridor, odds are that the youth will score higher than the adults.
What are your thoughts?