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July 01, 2007


Aaron Hutchins

Kudos to Jeff Jacoby (and to Knowyourneighbor for referring to it) for an insightful and neutral call for fair play.

I will, however, disagree with Jeff on one point. He says, "A candidate's public record has far more to say about his fitness for office than his private devotions do." I say the opposite; a candidate's private devotions have far more to say about fitness for office than does his public record. For what a candidate lacks in public record, he makes up for in character and judgment. I would rather a political ignorant willing to take an unfavorable position and risk a public flogging because he feels it correct, than a political savant who plays to the focus groups and polls to save his job.

The one is as rare as the Queen of the Night The other, well, like a weed.

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