National Day of Prayer is Thursday, May 3 and is a great way to meet and pray with your neighbors!
According to Wikipedia: The National Day of Prayer is a day designated by the United States Congress as a day when all Americans regardless of faith are asked to come together and pray in their own way. It is held on the first Thursday in May.
In many cities in the St. Louis area, churches or the mayor’s office hold this event at noon or early in the morning before most people go to work. We have encouraged our Bishoprics and members to attend. In most cases, they have met new friends and found common ground through prayer.
Can you consider going before work or breaking away on your lunch hour to meet new friends?
To find out where an event is being held in your area check the National Day of Prayer web site, look in your newspaper, search the web for key words - your state, city and National Day of Prayer - or call your local Mayor’s office. If clergy in your area have not organized an event, you might work with others to organize one for your area.
Before attending your local National Day of Prayer event, take inspiration from Whitney's recent entry: Catholics and Mormons on Common Ground.
Tell us about praying with your neighbor!