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March 28, 2007


Whitney Johnson

Aaron --

To answer your question, our family has made the decision to not go to birthday parties on Sunday, particularly when it is an event that would pull just one family member away.

I purposely didn't say where I came out in the blog entry because to me that's not the point. The point isn't where you come out, but to have enough of a relationship with people that we can have the conversation as to where we come out and no hurt feelings.

What about you?

Aaron Hutchins

My brain is clearly tired from all of the law school reading I'm doing. I missed your stand on this: kids party on Sunday or no kids party on Sunday? You can continue (as should we all) the search in the community for like-minded neighbors and break down the us v. them wall, but in the meantime, where do you stand? And what do you say to either the child and/or the neighbor?

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