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December 30, 2006


Julie Echols

Great post and site. It is difficult for me to put into words how I feel about bridge building and reaching out to our fellow brothers and sisters around the globe and around the corner. I could sum it up by saying that the two greatest commandments are to love God and to love our neighbors. Interesting that THOSE are the two most important commandments. How do we love our neighbors? I think it begins with knowing them, befriending them, understanding their needs, hopes, dreams, etc... There is great value in developing relationships with neighbors--especially those that we might view as "too different". The Lord didn't say to love those who fit into your socio-economic bracket, or love those who are only of your race, or only love those who believe exactly the same as you... We are simply called to love.

Personally, my life has been enriched and my faith has been strengthened by getting to know (and love) friends of other faiths and friends who are atheist or agnostic. As an individual, I seek to (as much as time allows) attend events that take me out of my routine. Because I live in a predominantly white, Christian suburb, this takes some effort. But, I have found that as I travel to new and different places, my heart is expanded, my mind is opened, and I have a deeper appreciation for the gospel of Jesus Christ. Honoring others beliefs and values has never diminished my own. I struggle at times with how to help my family have more diverse experiences... we reach out to those in our neighborhood, but I need to do more. I will watch with interest as your blog develops and your site continues to grow. Keep up the good work!

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  • Know Your Neighbor (KYN), a niche blog geared to members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (aka Mormons), is the starting point for a conversation about how we reach out, whether around the world or across the street.


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